Saturday, July 26, 2014

So You Think You're a Buckeye Fan!

Ezra 7:1-10




Alright, let’s see just how much you know. When did the Buckeyes join the Big Ten Conference? From 1920 to 2010, what is their bowl record? Who had a better winning percentage: Woody Hayes or Jim Tressel? Here’s a gimme: what’s the name of the Buckeye’s mascot? (For the answers Google ohiostatefootballhistory.)

 My point in all of this is that there is a heritage of Ohio State football. That heritage was started over 100 years ago and continues to this day. What Buckeye fan worth his or her salt doesn’t get a little misty eyed when they hear Carmen Ohio? Or thrill at the sight of the “I” being dotted? Or get goose bumps when the crowd is so loud you can feel the noise in your chest? Someone started all that.

In the beginning of today’s passage we read Ezra’s genealogy; all those names that we can’t pronounce. But the significance of this is: 1) Ezra’s ancestry establishes a historical reference to who he was; a high priest of the Mosaic covenant. 2) It establishes his family and his heritage. 3) It points to God’s plan of salvation, and ultimately to His Son Jesus Christ who was the high priest of the new covenant.

This past weekend my wife and I attended the 50th anniversary celebration of some good friends of ours. Mostly we just visited with friends and ate, but there was a brief program that featured two of their daughters (twins) and several of their 12 grandchildren. As each one came up and shared a song or a poem or some heartfelt words, it became obvious what this was about.

God was present in their lives as they had raised their three daughters. Now God was reaching out into the hearts of their grandchildren through their daughters. This heritage began even before our friends were married through their parents. God was faithful. Our friends’ heritage and legacy was a testimony to His faithfulness.

So Les Horvath led to Vic Janowicz; who led to Howard “Hopalong” Cassady; who led to Archie Griffin (twice); who led to Eddie George; who led to Troy Smith. And Woody Hayes led to Earle Bruce; who led to John Cooper; who led to Jim Tressel; who led to Urban Meyer.

The Buckeye football heritage and legacy is well established. But what will your heritage and legacy be? Will your children and grandchildren celebrate your life by pointing to your faith while living out their own? Who have you invested your life into? Who will you invest your life into today? Ultimately, will others see God’s faithfulness, love and redemption in your life?

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