Saturday, November 1, 2014

Letting Go

Deuteronomy 6:1-9


There is a TV commercial about a daughter heading off to college that makes me cry every time I watch it. Maybe because it reminds me of our only child, a daughter, who we sent off to college. As parents, we spend all of our time preparing our children to leave. Then when it happens they’re ready, but we’re not. It’s hard to let them go.


The children of Israel took forty years in the wilderness to prepare for freedom. Their Father provided for them with manna and quail. He taught them life lessons. He disciplined them. He loved them. And when the time came, Moses gave them His final instructions.


These verses in Deuteronomy are at the heart of those instructions. Before and after them, Moses has reminded them about their history and God’s faithfulness. He has reminded them of the promises of God, and His faithfulness in keeping them. He has reminded them about God’s laws, commands and decrees, and God’s faithfulness.


Here is a link for the commercial. Take 30 seconds to watch it.


Moses is like the Father in the commercial who has done everything he can to prepare his daughter for college so all he can think to do is remind her to buckle her seat belt, drive carefully and call when she gets there. Then he says what is most important as he lets her go, “I love you”.


Isn’t that how our Heavenly Father treats us? He prepares us, disciplines us, teaches us and loves us. He is constantly drawing us to Him. He is always with us and faithful to His Word and promises - regardless of whether we are or not. Then he says, “I love you”, and gives us the freedom to follow Him or not. 


When I went to college my Dad told me that he expected one letter a week from me. Today, kids would look at you like you have three eyes if you said that. But back then, I did what he asked. For my Dad, it all boiled down to one letter a week. For our Heavenly Father it boils down to, “Love me with all your heart and soul and strength”. If nothing else, do this. Then He lets us go.


(This devotional is devoted to my daughter Tara, my Grandchildren, my Dad and my Heavenly Father who has loved me, drawn me to Him and always been there for me, even when I haven’t noticed.)

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