Saturday, December 13, 2014

Life is Good

Genesis 3:14-15


Adam & Eve had it good in the Garden of Eden. For them, “Life is Good” was more than kitchen appliances; it was more than a catchy saying; it was more than clever merchandise. It was paradise. There was no sickness, no growing old and no death. It was perfect unity between each other and with God. Life couldn’t get any better.


But with one small decision, that all came crashing down. Their decision brought guilt, shame and death into their world. And not only their world, but it continues today. Like a stone hitting a pond, their self-destructive decision continues to ripple over the millennia into our lives.


Instead of looking at how good they had it, they looked at what they thought they were missing. They believed that they could decide what was best for themselves. They wanted full control of their own lives. They believed that they knew better than God. They rationalized what they wanted to do, and did it. Sound familiar?


What was the result? Satan was cursed. Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden; from Paradise. Hope, purpose and peace were all taken away from them as a consequence of their actions. But not all hope was taken; not forever.


“You will strike his heel, but he will crush your head”.

Genesis 3:15 The Living Bible


This promise given to Adam and Eve brings hope for the future to come through the Savior. Indeed, God did have a plan for the good of mankind. And He has a plan for you and for me. All good gifts come from God. We need only to have faith and patience; and then trust in His goodness; in His faithfulness; in His love.


Jeremiah 29:11 says: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”


This is the hope that we live for; the hope that God is faithful and good; that we can
trust Him no matter what happens. Jesus has won the final victory. Life IS good.




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