Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Eye of a Needle

Matthew 19:16-30


Can you think of an impossible task? Here is my daughter’s answer to this question: being invisible, flying, memorizing the dictionary, picking up a semi truck and teaching a newborn to read. Obviously, she had super heroes in mind. There are times though when we all feel like we are facing an impossible task. But can you imagine trying to put a camel through the eye of a needle?


Jesus told his disciples, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God”. Wow! This must have been a shock to the disciples. In their culture it was believed that if a man was wealthy it was because he had been blessed by God. Therefore, the conclusion was that he must have been obeying the Law.


The rich young ruler, who prompted Jesus’ comment, was very self-sufficient. By his own admission, he had obeyed all the commandments, yet he felt that there must be just one more thing that he needed to do. He was confident that if he could learn what it was, that he could do it, and thus earn eternal life.


If you think about it, people still believe this way today. Being religious and obeying the rules is their focus, rather than faith in Jesus. If I go to church, pray and read my Bible; then I will go to heaven. If I don’t cuss; if I don’t yell at my wife; if I’m a nice person and say the right things; I can earn my eternal reward.


In reality, we all adopt this belief at times because it boils down to our human nature which believes in our own self-sufficiency. Basically, we want to be our own god. We want to control our own destiny. But it is impossible for us to bridge the chasm that our sin has created. Only God can do that through Jesus Christ.


The disciples questioned Jesus about his camel comment. “Who then can be saved?” His
response was, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”


It is impossible, if not a little funny, to imagine putting a camel through the eye of a needle. It is impossible for us to earn our way to Heaven. It is impossible to jump across the great chasm between God and us that we have created through our sin. Only God can breach that chasm. Only God can overcome the impossible. Only God can put a camel through the eye of a needle.




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