Saturday, August 1, 2015

Thirty Years of Faithfulness

2 Thessalonians 2:1-12


On August 10, 1985, my wife, daughter and I, with the help of family and friends, packed up all of our earthly possessions and moved to Columbus, Ohio. As I consider these past 30 years, there are many fond memories. It was a life changing move for all of us, and looking back, I can see how God has faithfully used people and circumstances in our lives.


The move was precipitated by my work. The couple who was our host when we first came for our interview and later to find a place to live, became great friends, and were probably one of the main reasons we moved to Columbus. God certainly used them as well as many others that we met over the years.


In September of 1985, our daughter started kindergarten. My wife helped in the classroom every day. The teacher saw something in her and encouraged her to return to school. God used that teacher to motivate my wife to do just that. As a result, she taught in inner city Columbus for 23 years.


Our daughter graduated from the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism at Ohio University. During one summer break, she worked at Damon’s Grill where she met her husband to be. Who knows how different her life would have been had we not made this move. God has been faithfully at work in each of our lives.


Looking back gives us twenty-twenty vision. We can see how God has been working when in the middle of life, sometimes we can’t. Hindsight allows us to recognize God’s faithfulness.


That’s what Paul was writing about to the Thessalonians. Keep in mind that the Thessalonian church was under extreme persecution at the time. Compounding this were lies that were being told that the rapture had already taken place. And guess what? The Thessalonians didn’t make the cut!


Paul explained first that it was a lie, and second that certain things had to take place before the Second Coming could happen. He wrote about the rebellion and the man of
lawlessness. He pointed out that the lawless one was under the control of Jesus. The bottom line for Paul was that, no matter what, God was in control; God was always with them; and God was always faithful.


Thirty years have flown by for us. During those years there have been some very difficult and painful times. Deaths, loss of job, a miscarriage, regretful decisions; things that still hurt even to think about today. But we know that through it all, God has been
God is the Rock that we cling to.
in control, always with us and always faithful.

God is always at work in your life. Just take a look back to see how.


“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.”                     2 Thessalonians 3:3



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