Saturday, June 3, 2017

The Golden Rule

Matthew 7:7-12
(Use the link below to read the verses.)


“Do unto others as you would have them do onto you”.


Be nice to others; be generous; do good deeds; show mercy and grace. These are excellent guidelines for us to live by, but when it comes to the daily grind of living, they’re not so easy. In fact, the Golden Rule is easy to quote, but hard to live by. Take driving for instance.


I spend about an hour and a half each week day driving to and from work. And I’ve got to confess that it is virtually impossible for me to apply the Golden Rule to my driving. When we moved here in 1985, if you let another driver merge in front of you, they would wave to you to say thanks.
Today, you’re lucky if they don’t flip you off.


I’m pretty sure Jesus didn’t have driving in mind when he preached about the Golden Rule.


What about work? What if you suffer some injustice at work? Maybe you get looked over for a promotion, or a brand new inexperienced employee gets more salary and benefits than you. Maybe a coworker gets a higher bonus because they’re a guy and you’re a girl. Does the Golden Rule apply then?


Indeed, it is a hard rule to live by, but Jesus preached about it in his most famous sermon - “The Sermon on the Mount”. Plus he said that it sums up the Law and the Prophets”. In a corollary statement, he said that “all the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments”; to love God and love others as yourself.


How we treat others is paramount in our relationship with God. When we try to live by faith according to the Golden Rule; when we try to love God and love others as ourselves, we are seeking to show mercy and grace to others by approaching God’s throne of grace.


The opening verses of the passage today encourage us to not give up. “Keep on asking… keep on seeking… keep on knocking”. When you do, God will answer; you will find Him; and the door of opportunity will be opened.




(If God has spoken to you through this blog, please feel free to share it with others.)


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