Saturday, October 14, 2017

This is My Prayer

Psalm 86:8-13
(Two for the price of one.)


David prayed this prayer in the midst of his trials of everyday life. Following his example, here is my prayer.


Where among the heathen gods is there a god like you? Where are their miracles?   

Heavenly Father, there are no gods like you. None can come close. Not Baal nor Ashtoreth nor any of the ancient gods that David had in mind. Not even the gods that I create today. Not the god of financial security, or the god of being loved and accepted by others; not the god of winning; not the god of religious works.


10 For you are great and do great miracles. You alone are God.

Only you are God. None of the gods that I create come close. They might fill a temporary need. They might make me feel good for a short period of time. But you’re
the only true God; the only Living God.


 11 Tell me where you want me to go and I will go there. May every fiber of my being unite in reverence to your name.

Speak to my heart Lord. Not just to my mind, but to my heart. Help me to be open to your Word; to your will; to your direction in my life; to your plan.


I want every fiber in my body, in my being to desire you Lord, and you alone. I want every fiber of my being to desire your will in my life. I want every fiber of my being to cleave to you alone oh Lord. To hold, to abide, to be loyal and to be faithful to you and you alone Lord.


 12 With all my heart I will praise you. I will give glory to your name forever…

Lord, I want to give you all the praise and glory for anything good that has happened to me in my life. For my wife; for my daughter; for my job; for touching people’s lives. I want to say thank you Lord.


13 …for you love me so much! You are constantly so kind! You have rescued me from deepest hell. TLB

And thank you Lord too for loving me so much; more than I deserve; more than I can
comprehend. Thank you Lord that you find something worthwhile in me that you died for my sins; that you brought me from the depths of Hell to be in your presence; to be held in your arms. Thank you Lord.





(If God has spoken to you through this blog, please feel free to share the link with others.)




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