Saturday, December 30, 2017

A Christmas Gift from the Heart

(This is the 3rd of a 4 part series on “Memories of Christmas”.)
Matthew 2:1-12


Over the years, I have many good memories about Christmas gifts, but there are three in particular that stand out.


The biggest gift that I ever got was from my wife. Apparently, I had pestered her so
much that year that she surprised me with a Ford F150. She presented the gift by driving the keys up to me in a battery operated toy F150. It was a huge surprise to say the least.


One of the most fun gifts that I ever gave to my wife was a little black kitten. He was the last in the litter and kind of ugly. It was about a week before Christmas, so I hid him in my office. He would hide under my desk when I came in and arch his back and hiss when I tried to pet him. Since
he was a Christmas kitty, my wife named him Nicholas.


The wise men, or Magi, were following a star that they believed would lead them to find the King of the Jews; the Messiah. Along the way they stopped in Jerusalem to get directions. With the news of the foreigners, King Herod was paranoid beyond belief and plotted to kill the baby.


With the unwitting help of the Jewish religious leaders, Herod told the Magi where to find the Messiah. Eventually the Magi found the child Jesus. They had traveled far in order to give him their gifts from the heart.


I mentioned three gifts in my opening paragraph. The smallest, and likely least expensive, was from daughter. When she was in kindergarten, the teacher provided small Christmas gifts that the children could buy for their parents. That year, my daughter gave me a key chain that said, “I ‘heart’ My
Daddy”. Over thirty years later, it’s the key chain that I still use – a gift from the heart.


Christmas is a time to give gifts. The Magi gave gifts to worship the King of the Jews, the Messiah. In the tradition of the original Christmas, we continue to exchange gifts that touch our hearts and give us a lifetime of memories.


Our Father in Heaven has given the greatest gift of all, His only son. If you accept His gift, it will not only touch your heart, but change your life.

"We Three Kings" by Pentatonix

(If God has spoken to you through this blog, please feel free to share the link with others on social media.)




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