Saturday, November 10, 2018

The Wall

Philippians 1:3-6
(Use the link below to read the verses.)


Marathon runners talk about hitting “the wall”. It is defined as “that period in a marathon when running changes from being pretty hard to being really, really hard. It is the point where your body and mind are simultaneously tested. It's the perfect intersection of fatigue and diminished mental faculties”. (Taken from


The Philippian believers had been partners with Paul in ministry ever since they first believed. After responding to his message, they immediately joined in spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ. For this reason, Paul gives thanks for the Philippians. But not just for that reason.


And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.    NLT


There are a lot of pitfalls in life that can knock us down, or even lead us down the wrong path. The Philippians experienced them. You’ve experienced them. The Good News is that God is always at work in your life; working to bring you closer to Him; and working through you in the lives of people you know.


How do you keep your faith in the midst of trials and temptations? The author of Hebrews wrote about the great examples of the faith. Despite that, all of them had their own struggles with sin… with life.  


There is no simple formula to follow; no easy answers to finishing well. In fact, there are as many examples of those who didn’t finish well. But remember this: just like with the Philippian believers, God is faithful, “yesterday, today and tomorrow”.


Like a marathon runner, you may have reached “the wall” in your life. But remember, you can still finish well! And when you do, then you can be 100% certain to hear these words: “Well done my good and faithful servant”.







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