Saturday, December 8, 2018

Mary: A Willing Servant

Christmas Character Series
Luke 1:26-38; 46-55
(Use the link below to read the verses.)

God has a habit of using ordinary people to do extraordinary things!


Consider Moses, who wasn’t good at talking, but led the nation of Israel out of Egypt. Or David, who was a young, shepherd boy, but became the king of Israel which eventually led to his Messianic lineage.


A classic example of this was Mary; a teenage girl, living a hard scrabble life, who got pregnant by someone other than her betrothed, only to give birth to, and raise, the son of God.


But if you think about it, God could have chosen anybody that He wanted as the Mother of Jesus. It was His choice to set the criteria for her. If God had only used ZipRecruiter to find the best qualified mother then his ad might have appeared something like this:


Looking for a young, mature female with parental experience, either as a current mother or possibly a nanny or au pair. Needs to be able to deal with high stress, emotionally painful and complex situations. Must have the financial means to provide, not only for the child’s material needs, but also for his emotional, educational and missional needs. Should have a spouse who can provide the stability and security of a nuclear family that is necessary for a child to thrive.


Instead, God called Mary who was so insecure; so unstable; that God had to send an angel to build her up; to reinforce her; to give her the confidence that she was capable of actually doing the job.


28 The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.”      NIV


To Mary’s credit, she asked only one question. Following this, she was ready to commit to the job. She was ready to follow God’s calling; to be His servant no matter what it would mean.


38 “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.”           NIV


Are you able to give such an unconditional commitment to follow Jesus? Mary has set the bar high. She has set a great example for us to follow. Despite the fact that, in many ways, Mary was unqualified for the job, she plowed ahead by faith.


When God calls you to what seems to be an insurmountable, unachievable task – remember how Mary responded. And then, like Mary, take the first step; say yes.


(Here’s a link for the song “A Baby Changes Everything” by Faith Hill. I hope you enjoy it.)





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