Saturday, January 12, 2019

Simeon: A Faithful Servant

Christmas Character Series
Luke 2:22-40
(Use the link below to read the verses.)
In the 2007 movie The Bucket List, Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman portrayed complete strangers until fate lands them in the same hospital room.
Both men have a need to come to terms with who they are and what they have done with their lives.
To do this, they decide to complete a list of things that they want to see and do before they die… their bucket list.


Over the years, my bucket list has included taking a tour of Europe; hiking the Appalachian Trail; and participating on the reality TV show Survivor. A few years ago I finally fulfilled something on my bucket list; I sang a duet with my daughter at church.


Sometimes though, something that should be on your bucket list isn’t because it’s unexpected. Like when my granddaughter recently invited me to take her to the Father/Daughter dance. You can’t plan on something like that, but it doesn’t get any sweeter. Simeon may have had the same thought when he saw Jesus.


25 At that time there was a man in Jerusalem named Simeon. He was righteous and devout and was eagerly waiting for the Messiah to come and rescue Israel.        NLT


Simeon had a very short bucket list. It was to see the Lord’s Messiah. When he saw Jesus in the Temple, he knew that his deepest desire; his hopes and dreams; his bucket list had been fulfilled.


29 “Sovereign Lord, as you have promised,
    you may now dismiss your servant in peace.
30 For my eyes have seen your salvation,
31 which you have prepared in the sight of all nations:
32 a light for revelation to the Gentiles,
   and the glory of your people Israel.”


The NIV translates verse 25 above as, “He was waiting for the consolation of Israel”. For Simeon, that was to see the Messiah. For us, it will be when we come before our Heavenly Father and hear his words, “Well done my faithful servant”. On that day, we will finally be home.







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