Saturday, May 18, 2019

A Force to be Reckoned With

The Life of Jesus Series:
How Jesus interacted with others.
Mark 2:1-12
(Use the link below to read the verses.)

My eight year old granddaughter is playing in her 4th year of soccer. After a recent game, I made the comment that one of the players on the other team was a “force to be reckoned with”. She asked what that meant. I explained to her that the girl was really good and because of that, she changed the course of the game.


Even though Jesus was in the early stages of his ministry, he was a force to be reckoned with. Included in the large crowd in this story in Mark were a paralytic and his friends. As the story goes, the paralytic’s friends carried him to the roof, dug a hole in it and lowered him down, right in front of Jesus.


Of course they did this for the paralytic to be healed. It was obvious. The paralytic was handicapped and his friends had gone to a great deal of trouble to get him in front of Jesus who they thought could do the job. After all, Jesus was a force to be reckoned with.


But, what if Jesus had only forgiven the sins of the paralytic? What if he didn’t heal him so that he could walk out of the house as a physically whole person? Would his life have been changed forever?


I’m reminded of Joni Eareckson Tada who suffered a diving accident at the age of seventeen resulting in her being paralyzed from the shoulders down. Jesus didn’t heal her physically, but he did forgive her. Because of this, she used her disability as an opportunity to minister to others. As a result, she became a force to be reckoned with.


What about you or me? Jesus has forgiven us. Have we become a force to be reckoned with?






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