Saturday, June 22, 2019

Extra! Extra!

The Life of Jesus Series
How Jesus interacted with others.
John 3:1-21
(Use the link below to read the verses.)


"In the early days of newspapers, when something big happened, the publisher would not only publish the normal daily paper, but would also publish an “Extra”.
The newspapers were sold on the street, often by newsboys, who had a stack of papers and would sell them to walkers-by. When an Extra came out, they would chant "Extra! Extra! Read all about it!" to call attention to the fact that something big has happened, and an Extra paper has been published".      From


That’s basically what’s happening in this interchange between Jesus and Nicodemus. Jesus emphatically states three times; “Truly, truly I tell you”; which in ancient times meant, “Extra! Extra! I have something really important to say to you!” It was a way of interrupting Nicodemus’ life and getting his attention.


Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again (born from above) he cannot see the kingdom of God.”       ESV


Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.           ESV


11 Truly, truly, I say to you… 13 No one has ascended into heaven except he who descended from heaven, the Son of Man.      ESV


Jesus is straight out telling Nicodemus that he is the Son of Man; that he is the way to not only see the kingdom of God, but to enter it. Jesus stepped into the life of Nicodemus, and changed him forever. In the same way, Jesus can step into your life and into mine changing us forever.

Emmanuel means God with us. Two thousand years ago God stepped into the world we live in through the person of Jesus Christ. Not only did he step into it, but he interrupted the natural order of things. It was more than an Extra edition of the paper. It was an “Extra! Extra!” of life-changing proportions.


Your life has been interrupted. Will you listen to the head lines?




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