Saturday, October 26, 2019

Betrayed or Betrayer?

“Where are you God?” - A Series from the Psalms
Psalm 55
(Use the link below to read the verses.)


It was a crisp, clear winter night in Houghton, Michigan. One of those Upper Peninsula nights that makes everything sharper, cleaner, more crisp. Not bitter cold; just cold.


I went for a walk to get away; to be alone. The snow crunched under my feet until I found a spot where nobody else would be. I laid down on the bed of snow, looking up at the starry night, and cried out, “Why God? Why!”


It wasn’t so much a question as it was a statement; an indictment really. “Why did you let this happen to me God! It hurts so bad to be betrayed”. As a nineteen year-old whose self-image revolved around having a girlfriend, my world was crushed when my fiancĂ© dumped me for another guy. Not only had she betrayed me; but I felt like God had too.


David knew how it felt to be betrayed.

12 It wasn’t an enemy who taunted me.
If it was my enemy, filled with pride and hatred,
then I could have endured it. I would have just run away.
13 But it was you, my intimate friend—one like a brother to me.
It was you, my advisor, the companion I walked with and worked with!
14 We once had sweet fellowship with each other. We worshiped in unity as one, celebrating together with God’s people.

Jesus knew what it felt like to be betrayed also. Not only was he betrayed by his closest friends in his greatest hour of need; but he was betrayed by his Heavenly Father. "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"


But are we any different than Jesus’ disciples? Would we have done any better had we been there? Wouldn’t we have betrayed him just as Peter did? Don’t we betray him still when we rebelliously sin?


Is there anything left for us to do but to follow in the steps of David as he cried out to God, even when feeling betrayed?

16 But as for me, I will call upon the Lord to save me, and I know he will!
17 Every evening I will explain my need to him.
Every morning I will move my soul toward him.
Every waking hour I will worship only him,
and he will hear and respond to my cry.



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