Saturday, August 1, 2020

Hit Upside the Head

A Series on God’s Call to Ministry
Acts 9:1-19
 (Use the link below to read the verses.)

[Preface: How do you know what your calling in life is? Will you know from a big bang experience? Or will it come quietly, almost imperceptible? Will you be inspired by the stories of a visiting missionary; or a book that opens your eyes to the needs of a specific people group; or from your own life experience? This series is about God’s call to ministry for your life; what it means or doesn’t mean.]

People are stubborn. Not you or me of course; but other people. Stubborn people have trouble admitting their problems; admitting that they need help. They also have trouble changing because, well… they’re stubborn; and proud; and rebellious. Like I said though – not you or me.

In order for someone who is stubborn to make a significant change, they have to get “hit upside the head”. What won’t get their attention, is a subtle suggestion or a gentle reminder. It has to be something monumental in order for them to really listen; to open their eyes; to see the light… like Saul.

As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” “Who are you, Lord?” Saul asked. “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,” he replied. “Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.”       NIV

7-9 His companions stood there dumbstruck—they could hear the sound, but couldn’t see anyone—while Saul, picking himself up off the ground, found himself stone-blind. They had to take him by the hand and lead him into Damascus. He continued blind for three days. He ate nothing, drank nothing.                MSG

Saul was so passionate; so head strong; so stubborn about persecuting the church, that the only way Jesus could get his attention, was to literally knock him to the ground with a blinding flash of light. Jesus had to hit him upside the head.

Have you ever had an experience like that; where you were hit upside the head? I have; a few times. And it’s not fun; but it is necessary. Because, I am stubborn and proud, and don’t want to admit when I am wrong. This time… I am including you and me.

Therefore, the next time you feel like you’ve been hit upside the head, look around, not at your surrounding circumstances, but look upwards. Try to figure out what Jesus is doing; what he is trying to tell you; what he is calling you to do.

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