Saturday, November 13, 2021

My Short List

A Series on the Beatitudes
 (Click on the link below to read the verses.)
Matthew 5:7; Matthew 18:21-35

[In this series, we will be looking at the Beatitudes from the perspective that Jesus came to establish his kingdom. In order to do that, he needed to set new expectations; to let his followers know that his was a spiritual kingdom, not political. To teach them what it means to bring in his kingdom; what it means to turn the world upside down.] 

“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.      ESV



The first real job that I had was as a busboy/dishwasher at a Jerrys Restaurant in Morehead Kentucky during the summer of 1968. It was located right across the street from Morehead State University, and during peak hours it was packed. I did the job of two people and earned a whole 88 cents an hour.


One Friday night at the end of the summer, the owner had invited the high school football team to the restaurant after their game. He must have been a booster, or frustrated coach or “has been” football player. Whatever the case, he was NEVER at the restaurant, but on this occasion he was at the grill ready to cook steaks.


As we waited for the team to arrive there was absolutely nothing to do, so I made some small talk. He turned to me, and looked me in the face and said, “You know if you worked as good as you talk, you’d be a good worker”. To this day, I wish I had walked off the job. What a jerk.


It’s easy to hold a grudge, but Jesus doesn’t call us to live that way. He calls us to forgive; to show mercy; to bring in the Kingdom of Heaven.


Peter must have held a few grudges in his day, because on one occasion he asked, “Lord, if my brother keeps on sinning against me, how many times do I have to forgive him?” Jesus proceeded to tell him the story of the unforgiving servant.


The point is that Jesus shows us mercy and in turn, we should show others mercy. He put it like this in the beatitude.


“Happy are those who are merciful to others;
    God will be merciful to them!   GNT


“You’re blessed when you care. At the moment of being ‘care-full,’ you find yourselves cared for.       MSG


While thinking about this beatitude, I asked myself the question, “Who do I hold a grudge against”. It was a fairly short list, but obviously those grudges go deep and far; as far back as 1968.


God showed the depth of His love and mercy for me by sending his only son to die for my sins. In doing so, he made it possible for me to be forgave. Can I do any less for my short list?


Copyright 2021 Joseph B Williams



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