Saturday, February 18, 2023


A Series on New Testament Stories
Mary anoints Jesus
(Click on the link below to read the verses.)
John 12:1-11 

[Much of the Bible is made up of stories. Stories about people’s lives, the struggles they faced and their faith, or lack of it. In this series we will be looking at some of those people in the Gospel of John. We’ll try to learn from their stories about who God is, how he worked in their life and how that applies to us today.]


How do you show your love to someone?


In 1984, when my daughter Tara was four, the music group Van Halen released a song titled “Jump”. After dinner, sometimes I'd turn the stereo up real loud and play that song while taking Tara’s hands in mine and dancing around the living room. Every time they sang “Jump!” I would lift Tara up in the air. She loved it! I loved it!


Today, whenever either of us hears that song on the radio in the car or on the PA in the grocery store or in the office at work, we call the other person, turn up the volume and put our phone next to the speaker. “Jump!”


The story today takes place in Bethany just before Passover and shortly after Jesus raised Mary’s brother, Lazarus, from the dead. Jesus’ good friends are at the dinner. Lazarus is reclined at the table, Martha is serving and Mary is about to do something extraordinary.


Keep in mind that the Pharisees have put out an “all-points bulletin” for anyone who knows where Jesus is to report him so that he can be arrested. Because of this, Jesus has been laying low out of the public eye. But now he’s at a dinner in his honor, relaxing and enjoying his friends.


During the dinner, Mary takes a bottle of very expensive perfume imported from India. We’re told that it’s worth a year’s wages. Unexpectedly, she pours it on Jesus’ feet and wipes his feet with her hair. The house is filled with the fragrance of the perfume, but the act itself is shocking!


In that culture, just to let her hair down in public was scandalous. In addition, foot washing of a guest was normal, but for Mary to anoint Jesus’ feet and then wipe them with her hair was unheard of. Finally, to use such expensive perfume for such an ordinary task is not just extravagant, but wasteful.


However, Jesus defends her.


Jesus replied, “Leave her alone. She did this in preparation for my burial. You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me.”         NLT


Mary didn’t understand how what she did fit into the big picture of what Jesus was doing. She had no idea that in a few days her good friend would be arrested, beaten, tried and crucified.


All she wanted to do was to show Jesus how much she appreciated him; how much she loved him. And why shouldn’t she be extravagant when Jesus was about to show his extraordinary love.


In 1984, I showed my love to my daughter by spending time with her; by making a special memory that would last a lifetime. How then should I show my love for my Lord and Savior Jesus?


Love God and love others... that will please him. That will make memories.


Copyright 2023 Joseph B Williams





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