Saturday, March 8, 2025

Now You’re Cooking with Gas!

A Lenten series on Mountaintop Moments
– Noah on the mountains of Ararat
(Click on the link below to read the verses.)
Genesis 8:20-9:17 

[In this Lenten series, we will be looking at Mountaintop Moments. These mountains are more than just geographical features. They symbolize divine encounters and moments of revelation, faith and transformation. In other words, meeting God on the mountain top.]


When doing homework during high school, there were times when I would get stuck, especially with math. But I didn’t worry about it because I’d ask my dad for help. The only thing is, he’d never just give me the answer.


Instead, he asked me questions that made me think through how to get the answer myself. And when I finally understood and the light would come on, my dad would always say, “Now you’re cooking with gas!” I had no idea what that meant, but I knew he was praising me, and I would beam with confidence and pride.


There was a time in ancient history when things got really, really bad. The Lord saw how wicked people had become. In fact, the world was full of evil and violence to the point that the Lord regretted that he ever created mankind.


Because of this, the Lord said that he was going to “destroy every living thing — all the people, the animals and even the birds of the sky”. But not Noah, because Noah “walked faithfully with God”.


Therefore, even though there was no large body of water within miles, the Lord instructed Noah to build an ark. The reason that an ark would be needed was that the Lord was going to bring a flood upon the land.


It took Noah decades to construct it. You can imagine the abuse that he received from the wicked people for building such a large boat out in the middle of nowhere. And the cost must have been staggering. Yet, by faith, he continued.


Finally, when it was done, he boarded the boat along with his family and all the animals that the Lord had told him to take. When it stopped raining, the water slowly receded, the land dried and the ark settled on the mountains of Ararat.


Can you imagine what it was like for Noah when he got off the ark? They had lived there for thirteen months and when they came out, everything was dead… including all the people. It must have been shocking!


Yet, Noah’s first response was to build an altar to the Lord and make a sacrifice to him. The Lord was pleased with his sacrifice. And maybe sensing that Noah needed some reassurance, he blessed Noah and made a covenant with him to never destroy all life on earth again by a flood.


On the mountains of Ararat, Noah had a personal encounter with the Lord. And like my dad’s praise of “Now you’re cooking with gas!”, the Lord blessed and praised Noah for his faithfulness and righteousness.


From this story, we can learn a great deal about the character of God. We can see his redemptive nature. That even when mankind is rebellious, evil and violent, he always provides a means for redemption and restoration.


That’s what Jesus Christ did on the cross. Now, all we need to do is to get on the boat and listen for our Heavenly Father to say, “Now you’re cooking with gas!”.


Copyright 2025 Joseph B Williams

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