Saturday, January 17, 2015


Revelation 7:9-17


Following the Sugar Bowl, there was a billboard near my home that simply read, “BELIEVE”. The letters were scarlet and gray. Now I’m just guessing that its intent might have been to rally the Buckeye nation to get behind their team for the College Football Playoff championship game.


After all, it would have been easy to give up on the Buckeyes this year. They have dealt with numerous setbacks and adversity throughout the season, and yet here they were preparing for the championship game. Obviously the players and coaches didn’t lose hope, so this billboard was to help the fans not lose theirs.


The Christian church at the time of John’s revelation was suffering severe persecution from the Romans. The church needed hope. According to the notes in my Life Application Bible, “Revelation is written in “apocalyptic” form which is a type of Jewish literature which uses symbolic imagery to communicate hope (the ultimate triumph of God) to those in the midst of persecution”.


In today’s passage John describes, “A great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands”.     Revelation 7:9 NIV


Also included was this image: All the angels were standing around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures. They fell down on their faces before the throne and worshiped God”.                   Revelation 7:11 NIV


Visualize these two scenes for a minute. Angels, and a multitude in white robes, both in the presence of the Lord worshipping Him.


Before the College Football Playoff started, Buckeye fans “hoped” their team would get to, and win, the Championship game. However, there was no certainty of it. Jesus is telling us through John, that we can be certain of His love, faithfulness and presence in our lives; we can be certain of His promises; we can be certain of His ultimate triumph.


Most of us haven’t experienced persecution but we have experienced the struggles of life: a lost job, the death of a family member, divorce, addiction. One thing that is certain in an uncertain world is Jesus – “the same yesterday today and forever”.


The Buckeyes may not win the championship every year, but you can hope and BELIEVE, with certainty, in the “ultimate triumph of God”.


“For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be your shepherd; ‘he will lead you to springs of living water. And God will wipe away your every tear from your eyes.”    Revelation 7:17 NIV




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