Saturday, April 18, 2015

Déjà vu

John 21:1-14


Déjà vu – have you ever experienced it? Here is the Wikipedia definition for Deja vu: “It is a French word that literally means "already seen" and refers to the phenomenon of having the strong sensation that an event or experience currently being experienced has been experienced in the past, regardless of whether it has actually happened”. This seems a little confusing.


Let’s see if this helps.

  • In 1959 the Kingston Trio released a song titled “Charlie of the MTA”. It was about a man who was trapped on the Boston subway system. No doubt he must have had a sense of déjà vu as he repeatedly traveled the same route.
  • Then in 1970, Crosby Stills Nash and Young released an album by the title of “Déjà vu” with one of the songs on it having the same title. The lyrics include this line: “We have all been here before”.
  • Finally, in 1993 the movie titled “Groundhog Day”, Bill Murray plays a weather man who, while covering Punxsutawney Phil, discovers that he is doomed to live Groundhog Day over and over and over again.


Today’s story must have felt like déjà vu to the disciples as something very similar took place in Luke 5 when Jesus originally called Peter, James and John to follow him. On that occasion, Jesus was speaking to a crowd when he asked Peter to take him out on his boat in order to be heard better.


After he was finished speaking, he told Peter to go out to the deep water and drop his nets again, despite the fact that he had been fishing all night without catching anything. Peter argued briefly with Jesus, but ultimately did as he was told. The result was that the nets were so full of fish that Peter needed help to pull them in. Then Jesus told Peter to “come follow me and I will make you a fisher of men”.


In the passage today however, Jesus is on shore preparing a nice breakfast for the disciples. Of course, they had been fishing again all night without catching anything. Jesus gives them another tip, once again resulting in a huge catch.


Actions speak louder than words, and in this story Jesus is shouting. His message is clear. “Come on guys. Are you going to return to your old way of life by fishing for fish? Or are you going to follow me by fishing for men?”

Déjà vu – have you ever experienced it?

Has Jesus ever had to tell you something more than once? Have you ever needed to relearn the same lesson over and over again? Have you struggled with the same hurt, hang up or habit time after time? The Good News is that Jesus is always there for us – like déjà vu only real.



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