Saturday, July 18, 2015

Buckeye Quarterbacks: Next Man Up

1 Corinthians 15:35-49
(This is the 2nd of two devotionals on this passage.)


In the late summer of 2014 there was great anticipation in the Buckeye Nation. Braxton Miller, the Big Ten Offensive Player of the Year the previous two years, would be returning from his shoulder injury. Urban Meyer, the Buckeyes rock star head coach, had lost only 2 games in the previous two years. Expectations for a national championship were rampant.


Suddenly though the bottom fell out. Only a few days before the first game, Braxton Miller reinjured his shoulder and would require surgery. All seemed lost. Hopelessness set in. What would the Buckeyes do? They had two backup quarterbacks that had very little game experience.


Any self-respecting Buckeye fan, or in my case, someone who happens to live in
Columbus, knows what happened. It was the next man up. J.T. Barrett took over as starting quarterback and had a record setting season. In fact, by the end of the regular season he had the Buckeyes in contention for the Big 10 championship.


But again, the unexpected happened. This time Barrett was injured during the Michigan game and would require surgery. All hope was now beyond lost. There was no way the Buckeyes could overcome such an insurmountable obstacle at this late stage of the season. But again it was next man up as Cardale Jones took over and led the Buckeyes to their first national championship since 2002.


In 2014, the hope of the Buckeye Nation had shifted from Braxton to J.T. to Cardale – the next man up. If one man was injured another took his place, almost like they were interchangeable. Going into 2015, nobody knows who will be the next man up; not even Urban Meyer.


As believers though, we know who will be the next man up. He’s the same man who has been there for us all along. In today’s passage, Paul wrote about our hope in Jesus for resurrection that will never need to shift. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Jesus is the resurrection. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. Jesus is not interchangeable.


When the time comes, he will be there to meet us and to bring us home.





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