Saturday, July 11, 2015

The Dick Van Dyke Show

2 John


We live in a time of moral, legal and spiritual relativism where truth is relative! You have your truth and I have mine… and both are right. There are no absolute truths. As an example, just look at how TV has changed.


When I was growing up Dick Van Dyke and Mary Tyler Moore, who were married on the show, slept in separate beds. Today, it is common for unmarried individuals to have sex with multiple partners. What was once considered immoral is now widely accepted.


I don’t necessarily believe that TV was better back in the 50’s and 60’s. Or that we were more of a Christian nation back then. I am not pining for “the good ‘ol days”. But I am stating that there appears to be a decline of the truth, that as believers, we need to be aware of because that subtle decline can attack us.


John wrote this letter to warn believers to watch out for false teachers. Apparently even in the first century truth was under attack. In fact, over the centuries, Christians have written down various Creeds and Confessions to defend Biblical truth. In reality, the truth is constantly under attack.


Unfortunately Christians, in the name of truth, have often only expressed what they are against. As a result, Christians have come across as self-righteous and judgmental. That may be why John not only warned about false teachers, but he also reminded them about “a command we have had from the beginning”.


As the people of Israel were preparing to cross the Jordan to the Promised Land, Moses instructed them with God’s greatest command: “Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength”. Jesus expanded on this in Luke: “Love your neighbor as yourself”.


John understood that truth and love had to go hand in hand. He understood that as humans with a sinful nature, there are temptations for both. In my opinion, as 21st century believers, we shouldn’t hammer people with the truth. We should however, obey our Lord in love, and as a result, share the Gospel in truth and in love.


In doing so, we may one day say the words of Paul to the Thessalonians: “For what is our hope, our joy, or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes? Is it not you? Indeed, you are our glory and joy”.


Therefore, who are you investing yourself into? Who are you sharing the truth and love of Christ with? Who will you be able to say in Paul’s words, “Indeed, you are our glory and joy”?;TLB



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