Saturday, January 7, 2017

The Twelve Days of Christmas

Matthew 2:1-12
(Use the link below to read the verses.)

According to our consumer oriented society, the “Christmas season” begins in November well before the over commercialized Black Friday. It includes a big push for Santa Claus and the “spirit of Christmas” until December 25.


In contrast to this, the traditional Christian celebration of Christmas begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas with the season of Advent. Advent is a time of preparation for the birth of Christ. Christmas Day then ushers in 12 days of celebration ending on January 6 with the celebration of Epiphany. 


The word epiphany is a noun that refers to “the manifestation of a divine or supernatural being”. In the Christian church Epiphany is “the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi”.  


I always thought The Twelve Days of Christmas was just a cute little song that referred to the twelve days before Christmas. But the real twelve days of Christmas is a time of reflection on the incarnation of the Living God through Jesus after Christmas.  


In Matthew 2, the incarnation means different things to different people. For the Magi, it was a quest to find the “King of the Jews”. For King Herod, it was “disturbing news” that sent him into a frantic paranoia. For Mary, it was extremely personal. She had carried Jesus for nine months, gave birth to him and nursed him as a baby.  


What does the incarnation mean to you? Will it be a quest; a disturbing time; or something personal that will change your life? How will you respond to Christ incarnate? 



(If God has spoken to you through this devotional, please feel free to share it with others through social media, email, etc.) 


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