Saturday, December 31, 2016

Chance Meetings

Exodus 3:1-12a

 (Use the link below to read the verses.)


What were your expectations for 2016? Whatever they may have been, no doubt you had some things happen that you didn’t expect. For me, one such event was meeting Tim.


The week before Christmas, during my lunch hour when I was trying to get home for a quick visit, I noticed that my car wasn’t handling properly. Upon inspection, it was apparent that the left front tire was almost flat. I drove to a nearby gas station only to find out that their air pump was out of order.


Frustrated and angry, I attempted to change the tire. After some time with little success, and with my head buried in the trunk as I struggled to pull the jack out, someone asked, “Do you need some help”? It was Tim.


For me, it was like an angel had been sent. During the course of changing my tire, Tim told me that he was homeless, but that the Lord was with him. When he had finished the job, I insisted on paying him even though he declined at first.


That “chance meeting” with Tim was an unexpected opportunity, for him and for me, to
help someone in need and to share the love of Christ. It helped me to be aware that “chance meetings” aren’t always by chance. In fact, God is in control and He can bring someone into my life in any circumstance; even a flat tire.

When Moses went up on Horeb, the mountain of God, he wasn’t expecting to find a burning bush, let alone one that God would use to communicate through to him. Was this unexpected event a “chance meeting” with God? I don’t think so.


God called Moses to lead His people out of Egypt. Moses was God’s chosen leader for this job; an unwilling one, but the one God chose through this “chance meeting”. Despite all the excuses that Moses came up with, it all boiled down to this statement that God made:

“I will be with you”.


That’s an important lesson for you and me to learn and to remember during 2017. No matter what our expectations are, God will have some “chance meetings” planned for us. The questions is, will we be ready for them? Tim was.





(If God has spoken to you through this devotional, please feel free to share it with others.)





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