Saturday, July 1, 2017

YOUR Call to Action

Luke 5:1-11
(Use the link below to read the verses.)


Coach Steward was a big man. He stood about 6 feet 8 inches and probably weighed close to 300 pounds. He was an assistant coach for my high school football team – the St. Louis Sharks of St. Louis, Michigan – the Middle of the Mitten.


It was half time of a game that we were obviously losing. First the head coach yelled at us. Then it was Coach Steward’s turn.


We sat silently with our eyes fully focused on him as he held a clip board in one hand and began. As he paced the floor, his volume increased. He began to beat on the clipboard with his other hand. When his tirade had reached its climax, he pounded on the clipboard one final time, breaking it in half.


Coach Steward had our attention and we were ready to go into battle; to walk through walls for him; to do the impossible. He had called us to action, and we responded.


In Luke 5, even though it made no sense, Jesus called Peter to go back out and throw his nets into the deep water. It was a ridiculous request. Peter was the experienced fisherman. He’d been out all night working hard. Jesus was a carpenter and an itinerant preacher. He didn’t know anything about fishing. But Jesus had called Peter
to action, and Peter responded.


This was not the first time Peter had interacted with Jesus, and it wouldn’t be the last. John 21 describes a strikingly similar story.


Without their Lord, following his death and resurrection, Peter and a few other disciples fished all night in the Sea of Galilee, once again, without catching anything. Jesus appeared on the shore and told them to cast their nets one more time. They did, and the net was filled with “153 large fish”.


Following breakfast on the beach, Jesus asked Peter three times, “Do you love me”. We know that Peter was hard headed. He lived by the premise of “ready, fire, aim”. He didn’t always think before acting. But the Lord saw something special in Peter. He saw a man who could lead others while following him. That morning, Jesus once again called Peter to action, and he responded.


I think that the Lord is still working in your life and mine in the same way as he did with Peter. He keeps showing up in our lives; he keeps speaking to us; he keeps pursuing us; he keeps calling us to action.


What has Jesus called you to do? What desire has he given you? What sermon have you heard, or book have you read, where he has spoken to you? Listen closely for his still small voice. Don’t miss it; don’t make excuses; don’t rule it out because it doesn’t make any sense. Just follow him wherever he leads you.



(If God has spoken to you through this blog, please feel free to share it with others.)




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