Saturday, May 12, 2018

Laying Down the Law

Romans 14:13-19
(Use the link below to read the verses.)


Parents set boundaries for their children all the time in all different areas of life. In response to the question of “What are some TV boundaries that you set for your children?” my daughter had three rules:


       No TV after dinner.
       Only 1-2 hours of TV at any one time.
       No TV while eating dinner.
Then, just in case, she installed an app on her daughter’s phone that locks her out from 8 pm to 7 am.

Parents set boundaries for their children. Sometimes they make rules. But when they get really firm, they lay down the Law.


Paul is writing to the Roman believers about a hot button issue of the time. Jewish Christians believed the Law prohibited them from eating meat that had been offered to idols. Whereas, Gentiles had no problem eating the same meat. This became such an issue that the Jerusalem council had to deal with it.


Paul wrote to the Roman church, “stop condemning or judging each other”.


17 For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink, but of living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 18 If you serve Christ with this attitude, you will please God, and others will approve of you, too. 19 So then, let us aim for harmony in the church and try to build each other up. 20 Don’t tear apart the work of God over what you eat.          NLT


In our culture today, we don’t really relate to conflict about eating meat offered to idols. But we can relate to judging one another. We judge others based on how they look; where they live; how they affect our life; how they act in church; what they smell like; if their beliefs match ours. The list is endless.


We all have our own set of rules based on our values and priorities. Then we apply those rules to others. What rules do you apply to your family; to your co-workers; to people at church; to the stranger in the car who cuts you off? Do you build others up or tear them down?


Once you’ve answered those questions, remind yourself of what is truly important; that only God’s word and people are eternal. Then live a life that will “aim for harmony in the church and build each other up”.





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