Saturday, July 27, 2019

“Just a Minute”

A Series on the Milestones in Jesus’ Life
Luke 4:14-30
(Use the link below to read the verses.)

When I was a little boy of about eight, I remember a time when I was playing with my little men. I must have had an exciting story developing because I was very involved when my Dad called me to dinner.
But, it wasn’t a good time for me to stop; so I said, “Just a minute”. My Dad called out to me again to come to the dinner table. Still not quite ready I said, “Just a minute”.


I wasn’t getting his message because playing was more important to me than the fact that my Mom had dinner prepared on the table, and they were both waiting for me. I’m not sure if my Dad called me a third time or not, but he did come over and knock all of my little men down. I was devastated! But I did get his message.


Jesus was bringing a message to the Jews, and had returned to Galilee. In this story, he was in Nazareth where he grew up. People there may have known him better as Joseph’s son than Jesus the rabbi. They knew him when he was a little boy getting into trouble for not coming to the dinner table.


At the synagogue, it’s not hard to imagine that his parents, siblings, neighbors and friends he grew up with, would have been there. Word had spread about Jesus performing miracles, and people were curious. It was a homecoming of sorts; a milestone for Jesus. And what message did Jesus have for them?


18 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
    because he has anointed me
    to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
    and recovery of sight for the blind,
to set the oppressed free,
19     to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”


The “year of the Lord’s favor” was the beginning of the Messianic age. Basically, Jesus had claimed to be the Messiah; but he didn’t stop there. He went on to remind them how when Elijah and Elisha were messengers of God’s salvation, that non-Jews received His message; not the Jews.


“Just a minute”, the Jews at the synagogue cried out. They didn’t like his message. They didn’t want to hear his message. And don’t we do the same thing today?

Aren’t there times when we hold up our hand to Jesus and say, “Just a minute. I’m not ready”? What keeps us from hearing Jesus’ message? Is it pride; rebellion; selfishness; a broken relationship; difficult life circumstances; busyness?


Whatever the reason, the next time you catch yourself saying to Jesus, “Just a minute”… STOP! Think about it! Listen for his still, small voice! Draw near to him. What is he trying to say to you? Figure it out; and then obey.








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