Saturday, August 31, 2019


A Series on the Milestones in Jesus’ Life
Luke 22:1-5; Luke 22:14-23; Luke 22:24-26
(Use the link below to read the verses.)

Life is full of surprises. Just recently, my wife gave me multiple surprises for my birthday. First, she posted on her Facebook page that it was my birthday, and how great it would be if everybody bombarded me with emails. I heard from a high school class mate, another friend who I haven’t seen in thirty years; and at least a dozen other family and friends.


Then, as if that wasn’t enough, she surprised me that night at a church meeting by showing up with cake and ice cream for everybody. Surprise!


Sometimes a milestone is reaching a certain age. Sometimes it’s just a matter of finally reaching a destination. Jesus had set his sights on the Passover at Jerusalem for quite some time; and he finally reached that milestone. But there were surprises in store.


First, was Judas’ betrayal for greed. He had been stealing from the treasury for a while and for whatever reason, he decided that he was done with following Jesus. Maybe he believed Jesus was worth more to him dead than alive.


The second surprise was the disciple’s desire for power. There are several occasions when we read that the disciples came to Jesus and asked who would sit at his right and his left. This time they asked about which was considered to be the greatest.


Finally, Jesus had two surprises for his disciples out of his love for them and his Heavenly Father. One was his revelation about the new covenant of his body and blood to be sacrificed for them. The other was revealing that one of them would betray him. They all denied it of course, including Judas.


I believe that God still works through surprises. That way we can’t take credit for it; whatever “it” is.


Do you think He has a surprise in store for you? If so, how will you respond? Will it be like Judas? The disciples? Or Jesus?





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