Saturday, March 6, 2021

Who is this Man?

 A Series on Lent
 (Use the link below to read the verses.)
Luke 7:36-50

[Lent gives us an opportunity to step back and pause to recognize our humanity and sinful nature. The Lenten season reminds us of our need for a Savior as a time to reflect and repent for our shortcomings. It is an opportunity to recognize the human condition we may spend the rest of the year running from and bring our need for a Savior to the forefront. Lent prepares us as we approach Good Friday and Easter with thanksgiving for the grace and mercy shown to us.]

Jesus turned to the woman and said to Simon... 

47 “I tell you, her sins—and they are many—have been forgiven, so she has shown me much love. But a person who is forgiven little shows only little love.” 48 Then Jesus said to the woman, “Your sins are forgiven.” 49 The men at the table said among themselves, “Who is this man that he goes around forgiving sins?” 50 And Jesus said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.”         NLT


Just for a minute, put yourself in the setting of this story and imagine the scene. Simon, a respected Pharisee, invited Jesus to share a meal, maybe after speaking at synagogue. Of course his entourage is with him including his twelve closest followers, the disciples, as well as the women who support him in his ministry.


But there are many others. After all, Jesus is a rising star, and crowds follow him everywhere. There’s a buzz of activity and conversation in the room, including speculation about who Jesus is; a teacher, a rabbi, a prophet, or, dare I say it, the Messiah. There are those who want to see if he will perform a miracle; and those who need one.


Unnoticed, a woman quietly walks into the room, kneels behind Jesus at the table, and begins to cry; washing his dirty feet with her tears and drying them with her hair. She stands out in the crowd, not only because of her behavior, but because she is a known sinner, and Jesus is a respected teacher.


However, she seems totally unaware of the people gawking at her; talking about her; pointing fingers and whispering. She seems unaware that her clothing, her appearance, her life itself, doesn’t belong. In reality, she’s a social and religious outcast that doesn’t belong anywhere.


But the words that she heard from Jesus’ mouth have touched her heart; they’ve moved her to action; they’ve lifted her soul. Instead of feeling self-conscious, she feels free. Instead of feeling shame, she feels love. Instead of feeling alone in a crowd, she feels alone with Jesus.


And for her faith; for her love; for her undivided devotion; Jesus forgives her sins.


If only when we are in the presence of Jesus, we could feel the same way; if only we could experience his love and forgiveness like this sinful woman; if only we could be so devoted to Jesus… if only.


“Who is this man that forgives sins?” Think about this question; about the sinful woman and her story. Then ask yourself, “What can I learn from her? This woman who anointed Jesus with an extravagant bottle of perfume?”



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