Saturday, October 9, 2021

A Culture of Change

A Series on the Beatitudes
 (Click on the link below to read the verses.)
Matthew 4:17-5:2

[In this series, we will be looking at the Beatitudes in the context of the Old Testament Jewish culture. When Jesus spoke, what images, what scripture came to the mind of his listeners? And then to look at how those same words can change your life today.]



I love college football! The fall weather, the marching band, the mascot, the traditions, the energy of game day, and of course, the game itself. Even if your team doesn’t win, there’s something special about college football.


As for the team, each coach has to establish his own culture. Communication is the key element. The coach has to set clear expectations for his players, and then find a way for the players to buy into them. In a sense, he’s molding them into disciples that believe in him and will follow him anywhere.


That’s what Jesus was doing as he began preaching the Sermon on the Mount, starting with the beatitudes. The Jews had been anxiously waiting for generations for the Messiah. They were sure that he would take them out of the oppression of Rome and establish their own country; their own kingdom.


In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus spoke a great deal about the kingdom of God, but it wasn’t the kingdom that the Jews were expecting. It was to be a kingdom based on faith and relationship and repentance.


17 From that time on Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” NIV


Jesus had just started his ministry by telling people about “the good news of the kingdom”. He was also meeting their physical needs by “healing every disease and sickness”. He began to call individual men to be his disciples. And as he did all of this, large crowds began to follow him.


To establish his kingdom, he needed to set expectations; to let his followers know that his was not a political kingdom, but a spiritual kingdom. He needed to establish a culture of change.


The beatitudes were the beginning of setting those expectations for his disciples. They needed to make a shift in their understanding of what the Messiah was going to do; a shift in their understanding of what the kingdom of God meant; a shift in their values, beliefs and attitudes.


Things aren’t so different today. The kingdom of the world has its own expectations pressing in on you. But those expectations are drastically different from Jesus’. As his disciple, Jesus is still speaking to you and leading you. He is still establishing his kingdom; his culture. It’s up to you and me to listen to him and follow him.


Copyright 2021 Joseph B Williams



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