Saturday, February 19, 2022

Murphy’s Law

A Series from the Psalms
God is my… Rest
 (Click on the link below to read the verses.)
Psalm 62

 [God is many things to many people. In this series, we will be looking at various Psalms that completes the statement “God is my…” Maybe ultimately this answers the question that we all ask at some point in our life, “Who is God to me?”.]


Murphy’s Law: Everything that can go wrong will go wrong.

Have you ever started a project where everything seemed to go wrong? I did just recently. It was a very simple job, or so I thought. I had a picture frame that I wanted to hang some sports memorabilia. It was just a matter of taking the plastic off, cleaning the glass, attaching the hanger, putting the items in it and hanging it.


Oh my gosh! You’d think I was trying brain surgery or something! It took me over an hour, and honestly, it’s still not right. It’s just hanging there, waiting for me. No doubt to mock me again. Murphy’s Law hard at work.


Life can be like that; one problem solving event after another. Each one adding more stress to your life leaving you feeling frustrated, angry and overwhelmed until finally you explode. Sometimes, we need a break. We need rest. Even God did. He created the world in six days and rested on the seventh.


David most certainly needed rest. He always seemed to be running for his life from those who wanted to kill him. Such is the case in Psalm 62. David found rest in his relationship with God.


Truly my soul finds rest in God;
    my salvation comes from him.
Truly he is my rock and my salvation;
    he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.


Through his relationship with God, David knew something that I need to learn. He knew who was ultimately in control and who faithfully loved him. He knew these things not just in his head, but in his heart!


11 God has spoken plainly,
    and I have heard it many times:
Power, O God, belongs to you;
12     unfailing love, O Lord, is yours.


Murphy’s Law can take many shapes. From the mundane tasks of daily living to life changing events beyond our control. All of them can result in anxiety, stress, fear, frustration, anger, feeling overwhelmed and profound sadness.


It just takes that one small step of faith to reach out to Him; to pour out your heart. It only takes the faith of a mustard seed to find peace through God as your rest.


Copyright 2022 Joseph B Williams




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