Saturday, February 26, 2022

The Boogeyman

A Series from the Psalms
God is my… Protector
 (Click on the link below to read the verses.)
Psalm 91

 [God is many things to many people. In this series, we will be looking at various Psalms that complete the statement “God is my…” Maybe ultimately this answers the question that we all ask at some point in our life, “Who is God to me?”.]


Movies love to make us afraid. Jaws made us afraid to swim in the ocean. Halloween made us afraid to “Trick or treat”. Airport made us afraid to fly. Stephen King made us afraid of clowns, and just about everything else.


Even without movies, everybody is afraid of something. When I was little, I was afraid of the dark. I was positive that somebody was hiding under my bed. At night, I would turn the light out and take a running jump into my bed so that he couldn’t get me. The Boogeyman!


Psalm 91 is filled with examples of things we are afraid of.


Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night,
    nor the arrow that flies in the day.
Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness,
    nor the disaster that strikes at midday.


In the movie Blind Side, Michael Orr was the left offensive tackle whose job was to protect the quarterback from being hit from his “blind side”. We all need someone like that in our life. Someone who has our back, is always with us and will protect us no matter what.


This psalm is also filled with promises of protection. Just! Like! That!


If you make the Lord your refuge,
    if you make the Most High your shelter,
10 no evil will conquer you;
    no plague will come near your home.


To be honest, it almost sounds too good to be true. After all, we know that even Christians have bad things happen to them. But that doesn’t mean that the Lord isn’t with us; isn’t our Protector.


The Lord says, “I will rescue those who love me.
    I will protect those who trust in my name.
15 When they call on me, I will answer;
    I will be with them in trouble.
    I will rescue and honor them.  

 These verses give us hope! They tell us that God is always with us even in trouble and that He is faithful to respond to us. I don’t know about you, but there’s no One better than that to protect me from the Boogeyman.


Copyright 2022 Joseph B Williams



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