Saturday, March 5, 2022

Hook Line and Sinker

A Series on Lent: Peter’s Journey
 (Click on the link below to read the verses.)
Luke 5:1-11

[Lent is a time of reflection. During Lent, we will be looking at Peter’s Journey to learn how his reflections on his own life, his culture, his religion and his savior may have changed his life forever.]


My fishing experiences are pretty limited. In fact, there are only three times that I went fishing in my whole life. The most recent one, was a disaster!


We went deep sea fishing off the coast of North Carolina, about thirty miles out. For as much as we paid, you’d think the boat captain would know the best spots to catch fish. After all, this was his job. He was the expert. However, the total catch for the day was three fish. I didn’t catch any… but I did get very sick!


Peter had a day like that. He and his partners had been fishing all night without catching anything. He was probably hungry, angry and tired. After all, this was his livelihood, and he had nothing to show for his work.


As Peter cleaned the fishing nets, Jesus was speaking to a crowd of people nearby. It’s hard to say whether Peter had been listening to him or not, but Jesus asked Peter to take him out in the boat so that the crowd could hear him better. Even though Peter was busy, he took Jesus on the boat.


When Jesus was done speaking, he asked Peter to take him out to the deep water and drop his nets again. Now, if I was Peter, I would have been at the end of my patience. But, out of respect for Jesus, or maybe he felt obligated, Peter complied. The results were life changing!


They caught so many fish that Peter called his partners to come with another boat. In fact, they filled both boats with fish. There were so many that the boats began to sink. It was then that it hit Peter.


The catch of fish got his attention. It sunk into his thick skull that Jesus wasn’t just your normal rabbi, or random religious leader. He was something greater. Peter fell to his knees and said to Jesus, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!” Here’s how Jesus responded.


 “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” 11 So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.                        NIV


Peter bought into to Jesus hook, line and sinker. He not only bought into what Jesus said, but to who Jesus was. Because of this revelation, Peter’s life was changed forever. And not only was Peter’s life changed, but all those whose lives he touched.


During this time of Lent, ask the Lord to reveal himself to you in a life-changing way so that you, like Peter, would buy into Jesus hook, line and sinker.


Copyright 2022 Joseph B Williams



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