Saturday, July 29, 2023

Mackinac Bridge

A series on the book of Hosea
(Click on the link below to read the verses.)
Hosea 6:4-10:15 

[The story about Hosea is a story about the relentless love of God. Hosea was a prophet who spoke out against the idolatry of the Israelites as they pursued the pagan gods of Baal and Asherah. His life became an allegory about the unfaithfulness of Israel and the relentless love of God.]


At the northern-most point of the lower peninsula of Michigan is all things Mackinaw, or Mackinac. Both spellings are pronounced the same… Mackinaw. They include Mackinaw City, Mackinac Island and of course, the awe-inspiring Mackinac Bridge which crosses, you guessed it… the Straits of Mackinac.


Before the bridge was completed in 1957, the only way to cross from the Lower Peninsula to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan was by ferry. In many ways, the completion of the bridge provided economic salvation by increasing tourism.


There are many highways that can take you to Mackinac Bridge, but only one Mackinac Bridge will take you to the Upper Peninsula.


Moses led Israel out of the slavery of Egypt to the Promised Land. The Israelites knew that salvation waited for them there, but there were many hazards on the way. And even more hazards once they arrived.


In the Promised Land, the temptation of the Canaanite gods, Baal and Asherah, was too great for Israel. In Hosea 9 we read that Israel had turned away from the Lord to the pagan gods.


10b “But when they came to Baal Peor, 
they consecrated themselves to that shameful idol and became as vile as the thing they loved.              NIV


Throughout chapters six through ten of Hosea, we read how the Lord wanted a relationship with Israel; wanted to bring them salvation. But time and again, Israel’s sin kept them separated from the Living God.


I want you to show love,
    not offer sacrifices.
I want you to know me
    more than I want burnt offerings.       NLT   Hosea 6


Now Israel pleads with me,
    ‘Help us, for you are our God!’
But it is too late.
The people of Israel have rejected what is good,
    and now their enemies will chase after them.          NLT   Hosea 8


Even though Israel was living in the Promised Land, they didn’t experience salvation. The result of Israel’s sin was the judgement of the Lord, which would eventually lead to Israel being taken into exile.


Like the Mackinac Bridge is the only way to get to the Upper Peninsula, the Lord is the only way to experience the salvation of the Promised Land. It was true for Israel during Hosea’s time, and it’s true for us today.


    12b I said… ‘Plow up the hard ground of your hearts, for now is the time to seek the Lord, that he may come and shower righteousness upon you.’    
                                                                   NLT    Hosea 10


Copyright 2023 Joseph B Williams



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