Saturday, September 2, 2023

Rock the World!

A series on the Psalms - the voice of emotions
When you’re feeling thankful.
(Click on the link below to read the verses.)
Psalm 66

[Life is filled with emotions… anger and love; fear and courage; anxiety and peace. The Book of Psalms is also filled with emotions. They help us to validate our feelings and understand ourselves better; to grow in our faith and our relationship with Jesus; to understand the character of our Lord and how He works in our life.]


For the past fourteen years, my wife and I have bought season tickets for Michigan State football. This means that we made the 400+ miles round trip, six or seven times per year. No doubt this qualifies us as rabid MSU fans.


But there’s nothing else like sitting in Spartan Stadium for the first game of the season. With 75,000 screaming fans, and the Spartan Marching Band playing the fight song, the team would run out of the tunnel right below our seats. We could feel the heat from the pyrotechnics of smoke and fire. The stadium rocked!


This feeling of euphoria, reminds me of the following verses of Psalm 66. See if you agree. But, if you would forgive me, replace the word ‘God’ with ‘Spartans’ (or your favorite team) as you read them.


Shout joyful praises to God, all the earth!
    Sing about the glory of his name!
    Tell the world how glorious he is.
Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds!
    Your enemies cringe before your mighty power.
Everything on earth will worship you;
    they will sing your praises,
    shouting your name in glorious songs.”


Of course, the psalmist had something more heavenly, more ethereal in mind. First, he reflected on how the Lord saved the people of Israel from the Egyptians by opening the waters of the Red Sea.


Then, he described how God tested them and purified them like silver. How God used adversity to bring them back to Him. And eventually, how the Lord brought them to “a place of great abundance”.


It’s from the psalmist perspective of thankfulness that he responded. He went to the Temple to fulfill his sacred vows to worship the Lord; to bring the best that he had to offer as a sacrifice to the One who had done so much for him.


15 That is why I am sacrificing burnt offerings to you—
    the best of my rams as a pleasing aroma,
    and a sacrifice of bulls and male goats.


The psalmist begins and ends his psalm with the theme of unadulterated praise for God that flows from a thankful heart.


Shout joyful praises to God, all the earth!

20 Praise God, who did not ignore my prayer
    or withdraw his unfailing love from me.


Can we do anything less than this? Let’s go rock the world!


Copyright 2023 Joseph B Williams




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