Friday, July 26, 2024

Fat Man’s Misery

A Series on Living in the Wilderness
Rich young ruler
(Click on the link below to read the verses.)
Mark 10:17-31 

[In this series we’ll be looking at people who lived in the wilderness of life. In fact, there are times when we all feel like we are living in the wilderness. During those times, it’s important to remember that the Lord is faithful, that He loves you and is always with you.]


In one of the tours at Mammoth Cave National Park, there’s a passageway that is officially named “Fat Man’s Misery”. 

It’s called this because at one point you have to bend over and turn sideways in order to get through it. For some, it might appear impossible to navigate.


Towards the end of Jesus’ ministry, he was heading to Jerusalem. Crowds of people were following him, so he was teaching and healing as he went along. Normally, when people approached Jesus, they wanted something from him. There was some pain in their life. But not so much with the rich young ruler.


He ran up to Jesus, fell on his knees and asked, “Good teacher. What must I do to inherit eternal life”? On the one hand it appeared that he was eager and sincere. However, he didn’t understand who Jesus really was. Nor did he understand that faith was essential for eternal life.


Like the Pharisees, he believed that eternal life was something that he could earn. 

After all, he was a rich young ruler and had everything that the world had to offer - wealth, the confidence of youth and power. He was a person of means and status. Someone who had become self-sufficient.


As Jesus did with others, he interacted with the young man at his level of spiritual understanding. It needed to be something that he could relate to and comprehend. Therefore, Jesus answered him by quoting some of the commandments.


When the man told Jesus that he had followed the law since he was a boy, Jesus lovingly responded that he needed to sell everything he had, give it to the poor and follow him. In other words, make Jesus the most important thing in his life.


But he couldn’t do it. The man’s face fell, and he walked away in despair. As it turned out, his riches were more important to him than eternal life.


Seeing a teachable moment, Jesus turned to his disciples and told them how hard it was for the rich to enter the kingdom of God.


25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”           NIV


Like those on the tour at Mammoth Cave when they encounter “Fat Man’s Misery”, the disciples thought this was impossible. They couldn’t believe what Jesus had told them and wondered out loud if anyone could be saved.


27 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.”                  NIV


Follow by faith, not rules or riches.


Copyright 2024 Joseph B Williams



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