Saturday, August 17, 2024

Fresh Start

A series on Pauls’ prayers
(Click on the link below to read the verses.)
2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 

[Paul was a controversial figure in the first century church. But it could also be argued that he was the most dynamic and influential apostle. In this series we’ll be looking at Paul’s prayers and what he has to say to us today.]


 As I’m writing this, my grandkids are heading off for their first day of school.


My grandson will be in the fifth grade, which translates into being the top dog in elementary school. My oldest, is starting her first day of high school, a freshman; which means not being the top dog. The youngest will be in first grade. She’s in a category of her own.


It’s exciting to see them grow and start this new year of their life. Each day will bring new experiences; new adventures; new challenges. Each day will be a new day with a fresh start. Paul understood the significance of a fresh start.


When he originally came on the scene, Paul was notorious for persecuting the Christian church. He was there approving the stoning of Stephen. He went door to door in Jerusalem to find believers and have them arrested and jailed. He was on his way to Damascus to do the same thing when he came face to face with Jesus.


Paul needed a fresh start and despite persecuting Jesus, he was shown grace by him. As a result of God’s love and grace given to Paul, he went on three missionary trips throughout the Roman Empire establishing churches in strategic cities.


Thessalonica was one of those churches. It was the capital city of Macedonia, and a bustling seaport as well as an important communication and trade center. There was a Jewish community there and a synagogue. However, the largest number of people were Gentiles, and the church reflected that.


Unfortunately, after only a brief stay, Paul was forced to leave abruptly when some jealous Jews formed a mob and started looking for him. As a result, the Thessalonian church didn’t receive all the teaching that Paul would normally have given. Exasperating this was the persecution they received for their beliefs.


Paul’s purpose in writing both of his Thessalonian letters was to praise them for their “perseverance and faith” in the face of difficult circumstances. He also corrected their beliefs regarding when Jesus was expected to return. To this end, he encouraged them to stand firm in their faith and prayed this prayer.


16 Our Lord Jesus Christ and God our Father loves us. Through His loving grace He gives us comfort and hope that lasts forever. 17 May He give your hearts comfort and strength to say and do every good thing.        NLV


In this prayer, Paul seems to be telling them that every day brings a fresh start. Every day begins with a clean slate. Every day offers a new opportunity to say and do the right thing; to stand firm.


Like my grandkids, we all need a fresh start. For me, Paul’s prayer is saying that God’s love, grace and hope will strengthen me each day in everything I do and say. 


17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.   ESV


Copyright 2024 Joseph B Williams




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