Saturday, February 22, 2020

Campaign Promises

The Lord is…  A Series from the Psalms
Psalm 101
(Use the link below to read the verses.)


The Democrats are in full swing to determine who will be their presidential candidate for 2020. So far there have been two primaries, nine debates and eighteen dropouts. Candidates are already making campaign promises of what they will, and will not do if elected.

 During my drive home from work on President’s Day, I was listening to the talk radio station. The topic of conversation was, “Who is your all-time favorite President”.
At dinner my wife and I shared who we would pick. Independent of each other, we both chose Jimmy Carter; because of his integrity.


Psalm 101 is the pledge of a king to reign righteously. It is attributed to David as the author; possibly in anticipation of the Ark of the Covenant being brought to Jerusalem. It reads as if he is saying, “If elected king, I promise to…”


However, if you know anything about David, you realize that many of the promises that he made in this psalm, he didn’t keep. He was far from living a blameless life; far from being a king of integrity. But he does give us some clues on how to live blamelessly.

I’m trying my best to walk in the way of integrity,
especially in my own home.
But I need your help!
I’m wondering, Lord, when will you appear?   

My innermost circle will only be those
whom I know are pure and godly.
They will be the only ones I allow to minister to me.

In these verses, David suggests that we should start at home; that we need the help of mature Christian friends; but mostly, that we need God’s help. Otherwise, we will fail time and time again when trying to do the right thing.


Campaign promises are easy to make; but easier to break. Living with integrity is a slippery goal. Just look at David. But because Jesus died on the cross for our sins and was raised from the dead, we have hope. We have hope to live a blameless life through Christ; we have hope to live with integrity.


I will sing of your love and justice, Lord.
    I will praise you with songs.



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