Saturday, February 29, 2020

Love me Tender

The Lord is…  A Series from the Psalms
Psalm 103
(Use the link below to read the verses.)


How much does the Lord love you?


This past week my grandson lost his first tooth. He wiggled it right out of his mouth as Nonna, (the name my wife is called by the grandkids), was bringing him to our house for dinner. He could barely contain his excitement. In fact, he hardly ate anything because he couldn’t wait to tell his parents.


When we got him home, his Mom had scarcely opened the door when he shouted, “I lost my tooth Mommy”! Without missing a beat, and with just as much excitement, she shouted, “That is so great Buddy”, and wrapped her arms around him. It was a tender moment of a Mom loving her son.


In this Psalm, David wrote about all the things the sovereign Lord had done for him personally, as well as for Israel as a nation. But the main focus of the psalm is the eternal love of the Lord. It gives context and meaning to all that He does.

17 But Lord, your endless love stretches
from one eternity to the other,
unbroken and unrelenting toward those who fear you
and those who bow face down in awe before you.
Your faithfulness to keep every gracious promise you’ve made
passes from parents, to children, to grandchildren, and beyond.

Because my grandson is five years old, and because this was his first tooth to come out, he thought the tooth fairy should leave him a $5 bill. Of course, the tooth isn’t worth $5; but the tender love that his mother showed him was priceless. The Lord loves us in the same way.

13 The same way a loving father feels toward his children—
that’s but a sample of your tender feelings toward us,
your beloved children, who live in awe of you.

Let us respond to the tender love of our Heavenly Father in the same way that David began and ended this psalm.

Let all that I am praise the Lord;
    with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name.






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