Saturday, February 1, 2020

Dice Baseball

God with you - A Series from the Psalms
Psalm 89
(Use the link below to read the verses.)


When I was an adolescent, my best friend and I created a baseball game that you played with dice. In addition to the game itself, we created a league with six teams that competed for an all-star game and World Series.


It was great fun. I spent hours upon hours playing the games and tracking the statistics for all of the players. I became quite proficient at adding columns of at bats, hits and RBI’s.


After the first season, my friend lost interest but I continued to play all the games for all the teams for several years. I also created a dice basketball game, complete with teams, and played all of those games.


Some might say it was a waste of time; but in reality it helped incubate my desire and develop the skills that lead to my twenty five years of running basketball leagues and tournaments in urban youth ministry.


God had a plan with that silly, time wasting dice baseball game. Not only did He have a plan, but He loved me enough to foster the desire and ability to put that plan into place. He was faithful to His promise of working in my life.


The author of Psalm 89 had a similar view of the Lord God Almighty. In this psalm he wrote about God’s eternal covenant with David; about the promises made and kept; about God’s love and faithfulness, even in an unfaithful world.

33 But I will never stop loving him
    nor fail to keep my promise to him.

When I remember back to that young boy, sitting on the living room floor rolling dice and keeping track of hits and outs; I am reminded of God’s love, faithfulness and plan. As God watched the same boy, He may have had this promise from Jeremiah 29 in mind for me.

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.           NIV

God’s Covenant didn’t end with David. It continued through Jesus, and still continues through followers of Christ today. How do you see God’s faithfulness in your life? What promise has He fulfilled for you?








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