Saturday, March 7, 2020


The Lord is… my deliverer
A Series from the Psalms
Psalm 116
(Use the link below to read the verses.)


You’ve seen their vans and trucks driving on your highways and through your neighborhood. They’re bringing shoes, small kitchen appliances, movies and jewelry. Virtually any merchandise that you can buy at a brick and mortar store, you can buy online through Amazon. Not only that, it’s delivered direct to your door step; sometimes within the hour.


Amazon is successful because they hear your call and deliver; but this isn’t new. The psalmist wrote about these same elements in reference to the Lord.


I love the Lord because he hears my voice
    and my prayer for mercy.

For you, Lord, have delivered me from death,
    my eyes from tears,
    my feet from stumbling,
that I may walk before the Lord
    in the land of the living.


The word deliver, or save, is used several times in this psalm. In fact, it is the overarching theme of the psalm. But don’t misinterpret it to mean that the Lord is your own personal “genie in a bottle”. Keep in mind that He has his own timing for when things will happen.


Consider that Israel was in bondage in Egypt for 430 years despite their desperate pleas. They were in exile for 70 years; a lifetime for many. And Paul begged the Lord to remove his “thorn in the flesh” multiple times, without the desired results.


You may be facing your own kind of bondage or exile or thorn in the flesh. Call out to the Lord for him to save you; to deliver you; and keep calling even if nothing seems to be happening.


You know that He loves you; is always with you; and always at work in your life. You know that the Lord hears your prayers. He may not answer them today, next week, next month, or even next year. But He does have a plan for you. Therefore...
Because he bends down to listen,
    I will pray as long as I have breath!   NIV






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