Saturday, March 28, 2020

Stand and Knock

Reaching Higher: A Series on My Journey of Discipleship
Significant person: Ken Baker
Revelation 3:14-22
(Use the link below to read the verses.)

[Preface: This series is autobiographical to the extent that it is loosely based on my spiritual journey. In some ways, you could compare it to the stock market with a gradual overall increase, but many ups and downs; even a crash or two. Through it all though, the Lord has loved me and been with me the whole time. I hope you find my journey encouraging, but also, that the Lord might speak to you through it.]


College can be a time of dramatic change for young people. Typically, this is the first time that they’ve been away from their parents. Suddenly, they are independent; able to make decisions without Mom and Dad looking over their shoulder.


I was a pretty compliant son. Even when I went to college, I just kind of cruised along with friends similar to the ones I had in high school. But then, something unexpected happened that resulted in a dramatic change, setting a whole new course for the rest of my life.


It seems like for every significant step of spiritual growth that I’ve taken, there has been some person, or persons, who were central to the impact on my life. In the summer of 1970, Ken Baker was in the same degree program that I was. When my high school girlfriend dumped me, Ken was there to pick up the pieces; to be a friend; to help bring purpose and direction to my drifting life.


20 “Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.           NLT


Ken shared this verse with me and it opened my eyes to a personal relationship with Christ. Faith had never been explained to me before in those terms. As I wrote last week, being a Christian for me had to do with rules, not relationship. This was a significant shift in perspective.


That summer, Ken and I spent almost every day and evening together. During the day, we were on geological field trips in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. At night, we went to a Christian camp called Gitche Gumee near the shores of Lake Superior. The summer as a whole was a mountaintop experience where I learned and grew in leaps and bounds.


In essence, I was taking the advice given to the people of Laodicea who had been relying on their material wealth and religious self-righteousness, but were spiritually poor. Jesus said the following to them.


18 So I advise you to buy gold from me—gold that has been purified by fire. Then you will be rich. Also buy white garments from me so you will not be shamed by your nakedness, and ointment for your eyes so you will be able to see.            NLT


Revelation 3:14-22 was written to Christians; Christians who had become lukewarm. This is a temptation for me today… to be satisfied with the status quo; to rely on my religious self-righteousness.


When that happens, I need to look back to that summer of ’70, and remember that Jesus is still standing and knocking, for me to open my heart to him.






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