Saturday, December 12, 2020

When Angels Sing


When Angels Sing
Personal reflections on Advent: Peace
 (Use the link below to read the verses.)
Luke 2:8-15

 Every time that an angel appeared in the Christmas story, the first words from the angel’s mouth was, “Do not be afraid”. It didn’t matter who it was… Mary, Joseph, Zechariah, the shepherds; all responded with fear.

Fear is not one of those feelings that we associate with Christmas. Hope, peace, joy and love; these are the themes of Advent. These are the nice warm feelings that we like to picture when we think about Christmas. Not fear!


In the above passage in Luke, the angels made their presence known to the shepherds.


13 Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others—the armies of heaven—praising God and saying,

14 “Glory to God in highest heaven,
    and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.”


Recently, our church choir sang a song titled, “When Angels Sing”. Here are some of the lyrics.


Within each lifetime an angel’s voice is heard;

celestial sounds pierce time and space.

For just a moment, the breathless beauty

of heaven’s song reveals God’s grace.


Peace in our hearts, peace when angels sing,

peace, be still and listen heart.

Listen when angels sing.


Despite our sorrow, the dawn brings life anew;

and raging storms begin to cease.

For just a moment, the breathless beauty

of heaven’s son brings us peace.


Think about that last verse. Listen when angels sing, and despite your sorrow… despite a worldwide pandemic; despite your isolation; let the breathless beauty of Christ bring life anew, cease your raging storms and bring you peace.


Listen when angels sing, and fear not, for this is Christmas.


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